Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Haiti - The Aftermath Six Months Later

These are the numbers:

250,000 men, women, and children dead;
More than 500,00 injured, over 1-million homeless;
In excess of seven million people impacted nationwide;
To date $1.34-billion spent by the US, $3-billion world-wide.

Six months after the 12 January 2010 earthquake, Haitians have buried most of their dead but their homes remain in ruinous heaps and nearly two million people live in tattered tents and tarp shelters among open sewers in gang-controled camps where women and children suffer.

The Government is inept and the ruling elite look to control all that is Haitian. The US, the UN, NGO's, and those on missions all work for a common cause but don't always work together.

And it is the Haitian people who suffer; it is the Haitian people who are angry, it is the Haitian people whose smiles have dimmed, whose eyes have turned to a steely stare. People have lost faith in promises made with hollow words.

While medals are given in self reward, I bare witness that Haiti's children remain hungry, homeless and without hope.


Anonymous Vince Sobash said...


This is so sad, but I am even sadder to say that it is "as expected". Your description is almost too good; I can see the faces and it makes me cry. Your comment about the medals is particularly poignant also.


3:49 PM  

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